Oh la la! When we watch and see the price that these missionaries have paid, our complaints sound and look like nothing. I recommend watching these often just to remind our fleshy desires and complaints.
What I also really like about watching missionaries’ documentaries is that they inspired you. What they are experiencing is still for today and it can happen in my city, region, country and to the world NOW! God only needs a willing vessel. Are you ready to take the next steps? Are you ready to pay the price?
These are the best Christian missionaries’ movies and documentaries based on a true story to watch in 2022 for aspiring and current missionaries.
Finding a great missionary documentary that is radical truth or presents biblical truth isn’t always easy. I will therefore present documentaries and movies that I have WATCHED and LIKED. These aren’t referral links. These are Christian mission documentaries that you can watch on Youtube or a Christian streaming platform. I can’t guarantee that they are available somewhere else like Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Reddit. The list includes FREE and PAID missionary movies and documentaries. You can stream them now!
*Note that I have put a note when I do not recommend for the children!
As this is a story of 4 missionnaries, the story is related by their wifes or themselves through ”Steve Saint – the jungle missionary”, ”End of the spear” and ”Beyond the gates of splendor”. Missionaries that went to the tribes in Amazone and paid a high price.
FREE Documentaries – Youtube (not for children)
Watch End of the Spear for free on Revelation Movie (not for children)
USA 🇺🇸 -> Amazone

A young men with a child like faith. It is amazing to see what God has been in short a short time with a surrended and believing life.
FREE Youtube (not for children)
Liberia 🇱🇷 -> USA 🇺🇸
A story of a family from Netherdlands that was hiding Jews in their home. A story of faith and encouragement that the Bible helps us to know what to do in hard times! Pus, you can also be a missionary where you are right now and help!
Rent for 1.99$ USD on Christian Cinema (not for children)
Netherlands -> Netherlands

A women went from UK alone by train to China… WOW! If you want to be encourage and take up the good work of the Lord, she is an amazing example!
FREE Youtube
UK 🇬🇧 -> China 🇨🇳
Do you have a Bible at home? Did you ever think that some people have fought for you to have it in your hand? This is the story of a men who fought so everyone could have access to the Bible in English during thee time of the King Henri 8.
Documentary – Free Youtube
Rent Movie for 4.99$ USD on Vision Video (not for children)
UK 🇬🇧 -> World English Speakers

The link I have put is more a documentary. You can also watch it more like a movie on youtube with the writting: Hudson Taylor (1981) | Full Movie. A missionary with a heart for China. A man that has lay down his life.
FREE Youtube
UK 🇬🇧 -> China 🇨🇳
The title says it, this is a story of a pastor who is tortured for his faith in Christ. During the War World 2.
PAID – Subscription needed at FaithLife or buy it from Voice of Martyr (not for children)
Romania 🇷🇴 -> Romania 🇷🇴

Who has translated the Bible in the language of the Burma (present day Myanmar) people? Who spend their whole life there, sacrifying everything?
Free – Youtube (Doc)
USA 🇺🇸 -> Burma 🇲🇲
Stories of different heroes of the faith including some that are already listed in this list and more such as the story of Saint Patrick in Ireland and the Salvation Army. Really well made and fun to watch
All over – More than one location

The story of Pat Robinson hearing and trusting the voice of the Lord to start this ministry. Another example that we can be a local missionary.
I also like about this one is that it continues to who is replacing Pat?
FREE on their website
USA 🇺🇸 -> USA 🇺🇸
You can also watch it as documentary by writting Cloud full of witness on Youtube. A story of a German that moved to England and got moved for the orphan. George Muller was making the children to pray with him and God did miracle after miracle.
FREE on Youtube (at your discernment for children)
German 🇩🇪 -> UK 🇬🇧

Here it is! Want more? We have other articles listing the Best visual Representation of the Bible, Best Christian Children Movies, Best Christian Documentaries in 2022. What about movies? Stay tuned for more articles!
Did we forget any missionaries documentaries that glorify our Lord Jesus Christ? We would love to hear and add them to our list if any!